Justyna Khil

Justyna Khil is a Polish soprano born in 1997. She studied at the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, Poland, under Professor Hanna Michalak and Anna Wilk. In 2021, Khil joined the Young Talents Development Programme Opera Academy of the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera. She made her debut as Contessa Almaviva in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro at Opera Nova in Bydgoszcz. Khil has performed recitals and chamber and oratorio concerts on numerous stages in Poland and abroad, including at the Polish National Philharmonic, Lviv National Philharmonic, Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera, Opera at the Castle in Szczecin, Kraków Opera, Baltic Opera, Witold Lutosławski Concert Studio of Polish Radio, and Sala Sudasiri Sobha in Bangkok.

born in 1997



Pianist: Rozalia Kierc


Preliminary round

G. B. Pergolesi

Stabat Mater: Vidit suum dulcem natum

R. Strauss

Cäcilie (Hart) 

F. Poulenc

C (Aragon) 

S. Moniuszko

Halka: “Ha! Dzieciątko nam umiera, z głodu umiera (Halka)


M. Adamo

Little Women: “Have peace, Jo” (Beth) 

J. Sibelius

Var det en dröm? (Wecksell) 

M. Weinberg

Polały się łzy me czyste (My tears were clear) (Mickiewicz) 

S. Laks

Pięć pieśni do słów Juliana Tuwima (Five melodies for poems by Julian Tuwim): 

Modlitwa (Prayer) 

Szczęście (Serenity) 

Przymierze (Covenant) 


Wszystko (All) 


G. Puccini

Turandot: “Tu che di gel sei cinta” (Liù) 

S. Barber

Vanessa: “Do not utter a word, Anatol” (Vanessa) 

Competition performances


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